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Wildcat Extension District

Community Vitality

 A community's sustainability depends on its long-term ability to meet residents' needs.

K-State Research and Extension is committed to providing Knowledge for Life to make our homes and families happier and healthier.

K-State Research and Extension also is to provide technical assistance and evidence-based programs to citizens who want to make sure their communities survive and prosper. K-State Research and Extension can play a key role in helping people create a vision across traditional geographical, sociological, and political boundaries. We can help your community become a better place to live and work.

Community Development

Kansas communities consistently deal with a host of issues that demand leadership in an arena of increasing complexity and contention.

Understanding community dynamics that affect the community and its future; as well as developing skills for working effectively with others are critical for effective community leadership. Community leadership permits citizens to connect with local needs and each other. Programs geared towards effective leadership skills can provide a community-level investment in human, social, cultural, and political capital that in turn, will support the expansion of built, financial, and natural capital.

One of our goals at K-State Research and Extension is to provide technical assistance and evidence-based programs to citizens who want to make sure their communities survive and prosper.

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